An order of the day is a key part of the stationery for your celebration. Giving your guests an idea of what to expect, and when, will help them plan their way through your day and ensure they are in the right place at the right time. But where should you display this info? Here are my top 7 wedding order of the day ideas
1. Put your order of the day in your invitations
Your invitations are the first opportunity to display your order of the day. Your guests will appreciate an early indication of the running order and what to expect on the wedding day. My advice here is to keep it brief, and the timings broad. It’s very likely that your plan will evolve and be fine tuned in the lead up to the big day. Concertina invitations are a great option with plenty of space if you want to include an order of the day timeline in your invitations.

2. Add your order of the day to welcome cards for each guest
If you are planning a weekend celebration, you could add your order of the day (or order of the weekend!) to a simple card, welcoming each guest or couple. The ones in this picture were printed onto plantable seed paper and placed along with a welcome gift in each of the guest rooms.

3. Display a classic wedding order of the day sign
A decorative sign, placed on an easel at your venue is the classic way to display your order of the day. This can become a focal point throughout the day, and your guests can refer back to it at any time. A timeline layout with icons for each of the main events is a great visual, and easy to understand

4. Add a timeline to your confetti bags
I do love a wedding stationery item that ‘doubles up’ as something else. Why not have your wedding order of the day printed onto your confetti bags. You can distribute these at the ceremony so that all your guests get a clear idea of what to expect for the rest of the day.

5. Make the most of your wedding website
Wedding websites are becoming increasingly popular as a way to communicate all the finer details of the big day. It makes sense to include your wedding order of the day somewhere on here. If you want guests to be able to access it during the day itself, have a QR code linking directly to the appropriate page printed on another piece of stationery that will be visible during the day, perhaps your welcome sign, or order of service if you are having one.

6. Wedding order of the day on paddle fans
Paddle fans are a fun addition to your wedding stationery, especially if you are getting married in the summer months, or abroad in warmer climes! They are also a great place to display your order of the day. Place them on the seats for the ceremony so that each guest will receive one.

7. Order of the day in your wedding booklet
Your wedding booklet could be an order of service if you are having a church wedding, an equivalent order of ceremony, wedding programme, or wedding newspaper. You can include an order of the day in either of these, either as a graphic timeline layout or a classic list of events with timings.

Do you have other wedding order of the day ideas?
So those are my top 7 wedding order of the day ideas. You might choose to use one or more of them in your wedding stationery. The most important thing to remember is that it’s your wedding day and you should do what works best for you. Don’t want an order of the day? Don’t have one. While they can be useful, they are by no means compulsory. Have other ideas about how you want to display yours? Get in touch, I’d love to help!
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I have lots more blog posts about wedding order of the day, here are some of them.
7 wedding order of the day ideas
Read more: 7 wedding order of the day ideas -
7 things to include in your wedding order of the day booklet
Read more: 7 things to include in your wedding order of the day booklet -
Order of the day sign: What do you put on it?
Read more: Order of the day sign: What do you put on it? -
What is a wedding order of the day?
Read more: What is a wedding order of the day?
Want to save these wedding order of service ideas for later? Pin the image below to your wedding planning board on Pinterest.