Wedding rsvp cards are a great way to encourage a timely and complete response from your guests, but what do you include on them? By proving a ‘form’ for them to fill out and return you have a better chance of getting all the details you need, when you need them. So what exactly do you put on a wedding rsvp card? Here are my 7 top things to include.

1. A line for guest names
First and foremost you need to know who your replies are from. Including a line for your guests to write their name or names will remind them to do it. Keep a list of the guests that you have sent invitations to and check off the replies as they come back, it will help you to keep a running total of the guest list and see who is yet to respond.
2. Accept or decline – the main reason for your wedding reply cards
Maybe the most important bit of info, apart from your guest name, is whether or not they can attend. A simple tick box is the most effective way to do this, with the traditional ‘accept with pleasure or decline with regret’ wording. But there are lots of other ways to say it if you want to make your wedding rsvp cards a little more fun and informal.

3. A date to return your wedding reply cards
I always recommend you include a reply by date on your wedding rsvp card. Choose this date based on when you are sending out your invites and when your venue and/or caterers need to know final numbers. Don;t forget to factor in a week or two to chase up any that forget to respond. My tip is to give your guests no more than 6 to 8 weeks to reply. A shorter deadline date will usually encourage a quicker response!
4. Dietary requirements are an essential detail
Dietary requirements are a must have on your wedding rsvp card. Asking for them in a straightforward way acts as a reminder for your guests to tell you if they are veggie, vegan, or have any allergies that you need to make your caterers aware of.

5. Wedding reply cards can include menu choices
More and more couples are opting to give their wedding guests a choice of menu for the wedding breakfast. If you do, then include a full, detailed menu within the invitation and then ask for their choices on the reply card. A grid with space for each guest that is attending to write their name and tick their preferred choice for each course if the best way to do this.
Read more about including menu choices in your wedding invites
6. Song request for your wedding playlist
Compiling a playlist for your evening reception? Giving your guests the opportunity to submit their requests is a great way to make them feel involved in your big day. Your wedding rsvp card is an ideal opportunity to collect this info. Include a line at the bottom saying something like “we promise we’ll dance if you play …………………”

7. Transport requirements
If you are laying on transport for your guests then you might want to get an early indication of how many you need to accommodate. Put the details of whatever arrangements you plan to make in the details of your invitation. Include a tick box on your wedding rsvp card for your nearest and dearest to let you know if they plan to get the bus home!
8. Don’t forget a return address for your wedding rsvp cards
And last but not least, you must include a return address with your wedding reply cards. There are a few ways you can do this. Either print it on the card so that guests can find their own envelope to send it back to you. Print the address on the back of the card so that it can be returned like a postcard. Or, include a separate reply envelope, pre printed with your address – great if you have a lot of info to collect and need to use both sides of the card.
My checklist for what to include on wedding RSVP cards
So there you go. A checklist of what to include in your wedding rsvp cards.
- a line for guest names
- accept or decline
- a return by date
- dietary requirements
- menu choices if you need them
- a song request
- any transport requirements
- return address (or pre-printed envelope)
While it’s not essential to include them in your wedding invitation, many couples choose to do so because they really are an efficient and (mostly) fool proof way of collecting all the essential details you need from your guests.
If you want to include wedding rsvp cards with your invitations go have a look at these styles which include them.
Thinking of skipping the traditional rsvp cards and going digital instead? Why not create a QR code to make it easier for your guests.
How to use wedding QR codes for your rsvp
If you found this blog useful you might also want to read this one:
12 things you didn’t know about RSVP cards
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