Ready to order your wedding invites in Cardiff? Having had my studio closed to visitors for nearly four whole months, I’m excited to announce that I can now welcome you again!
I know that lots of you are keen to get on with planning and choosing your wedding invitations and stationery for 2021 and 2022 weddings. So – here’s how you can visit my Cardiff studio and get creative while being completely Covid secure and safe.
First up, do you really need a face to face consultation to order your wedding invites in Cardiff?
I’m still offering phone and video consultations and these are a great option ‘in the first instance’ and you may find that you don’t feel the need to visit the studio after all – although you are always welcome of course.
Book in a date and time with me, fill in a quick questionnaire to help me get a little background info on you, your wedding and the kind of stationery you’re after. I’ll set up an online mood board with some initial ideas and send you a link so you can view it while we chat. We’ll talk on the phone or video usually for about half an hour, but we can take as long as you need. After our call I will follow up with a fully personalised quote for all the stationery we discussed.
Book your phone or video chat to order wedding invites in Cardiff here

Want to visit my studio to have a good look at invites an stationery?
My studio is now open for you to visit and order your wedding invites in Cardiff. I’ve put a few things in place to make sure we all stay safe while you’re here.
1. Book your appointment online
I have always welcome visitors on an appointment only bases, so this is nothing new. It means that I can give you my full and undivided attention when you visit! It also means that I have some advance notice to clear the desk of all the lovely orders I’m currently working on.
I always make sure there is plenty of time between appointments so you don’t need to worry about there being too many people here. I will also ask you to let me know when you arrive (by text or phone), before you actually enter the studio – just so that I can double check everything is ready for you.
Book your studio visit to order wedding invites in Cardiff here
2. Fill in a questionnaire before you come
Also part of my usual process, but even more important at the moment. This means I can prepare the right samples to show you and make sure I have everything to hand when you visit.
3. Two visitos, one household – two metres apart!
Because of the limited space I have, I can only accommodate 2 visitors at a time and you must be from the same household (or bubble). If you have babies or little ones that you need to bring with you – just let me know, it’s not a problem 🙂 It will just be the two of you and myself in the studio at any one time. I have a long work table and we’ll sit at opposite ends so there’s still plenty of room for social distancing.

4. Wear a mask
As with all shops and indoor spaces, you’ll need to wear a face covering (unless you are exempt). I’ll be rocking mine too!
5. Spread love not germs – sanitise!
I will have hand sanitiser available in the studio and I will ask you to use it when you arrive and before you leave. Feel free to use your own if you prefer. For your peace of mind, I will be cleaning down furniture, surfaces and door handles before and after each consultation.

6. Contactless payments only
I can accept contactless card payments in my studio, up to a maximum of £45.00. Any other payments can be made online by BACS, credit/debit card or PayPal.
7. Only visit if you are well
I hope it goes without saying, but please, if you are unwell, have any symptoms, need to self isolate or are waiting for a text result please do not visit. We’ll rearrange your appointment for another time. And of course, this works both ways. If I, or any of my family, become unwell, need to isolate etc then please be patient if I need to postpone your consultation.
Book your studio visit to order wedding invites in Cardiff here
If you have any queries or concerns at all about visiting my studio, please just drop me a line and I’ll do my best to help. This is all still new and unusual for me too, so please bear with me while I learn and adjust.
You can keep up to date with all the latest studio news as well as daily inspiration on my Instagram, head over and give me a follow.
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